Tony Cue is such a wonderful person. He hasbeen a volunteer running leader for the YMCA running clinic and he is such ajoy to be around. I have gotten to know him over the past 10 weeks during ourruns. He sincerely makes an effort to get to know you and commits everyone’sname to memory. He always greets you with a warm smile. I am so grateful thathe is sharing his story.
Tony is so modest and humble. Here isresponse:
Tony is on the left |
“Thank you for inviting meto be a guest blogger. It is quite an honour. I really do not havean awe inspiring story to tell. For many years I have been interested infitness. It really started in the early 1970’s with a fitness areaat Queen's Park in New Westminster. I would visit it quiteregularly. When my wife and I moved to Prince George in the 1970’s Iwould enter the Father's Day race that was held at the old Lakewood High Schooltrack. The Labour Day Classic was another race that I enjoyed being aparticipant.
It is within the last tenyears that I have been with the Y. Without a doubt, they have beenwonderful years. I have met many great people, far too many tolist. (And I do remember names) Running with others through the Y has meant a new focus with my running. Whereas before the YMCA running clinic I would mainly run on my own, but nowthere were others who also enjoyed running.
I particularly enjoy running with those whoare perhaps just starting out. It is a joy to see the confidence that grows asthey see their progress. We have just completed a Learn to Runclinic, with Carol Reimer leading it so well, and a number of veryenthusiastic volunteers, assisting.
The Y has been very effective with regards tomy fitness because of the thought that goes into their fitnessprograms. Very gradually one's fitness level increases. I hope tocontinue to enjoy the Y, and all that it offers, for many more years.
Tony Cue ”
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