Saturday, March 31, 2012

Learning to Run: Wacky weather

Because of some positive feedback, I think I’m going to continue my learning to run experience with short stories. I think it’s fun and I’ll make it into a novel in the end. Ok, maybe not a novel… perhaps a children’s book at best. I can draw pictures and everything. No scratch that, how about a comic book?

But in all seriousness

“The skies are grey but I can see that the clouds are slowly moving away to reveal to sun. The day’s weather has been so strange, ranging from high winds and rain with bursts of blue skies and sunshine. I lace up my purple runners in the parking lot and head to the YMCA doors.
I take a moment before entering to take a picture of the sun as it shines brightly on the horizon.
I enter the foyer and I can see our group gathering. I am not in a very good mood because of some work related complications. Sometimes children can be very difficult.

I am a little upset and keep to myself.

Tony comes up and says hi, he has made a point of remembering the correct pronunciation of my name and welcomes me with a thumbs up and a smile. This cheers me up a bit. I spot Vanessa and say hello.

We begin our run. The evening air is cool but the sun is still shining. Today’s run is 24 minutes with alternating 1 minute walk/run intervals. A slim woman with brown hair is running next to me and we begin a casual conversation. Of course the topic is running, and I discover that she has completed a ½ marathon a few years back and I share my Sun Run experiences. I tell her that I have ran the Sun Run (A 10km run in Vancouver) for the past 9 years but I look forward to the new scenery that the Road Race and PG have to offer. As we continue on our route I introduce myself to Jennifer who is one of the running volunteers. She is very friendly and we chat as we continue to run together.

By now the sun has fallen behind large looming clouds. The sky is a mischievous shade of grey and I hope to myself that it doesn’t rain.

The rain holds off until we arrive back at the Y and begin our routine stretches. I feel rejuvenated and am in a much better mood. The fresh air, exercise, and great people are making learning to run a very enjoyable experience. As we start to say our goodbyes and disperse towards the parking lot I feel icy drips of rain penetrate my shirt and cool my skin. After a few seconds it turns from icy rain into hail and large chucks begin to stick in my hair. I sprint towards my car and quickly jump inside for cover.

Perfect timing!”

As part of the running schedule we all have a homework run. 
24 mins running/walking intervals. I lucked out and today's beautiful.
Enjoy the weather!

I’ll be posting live updates and pics about my YMCA endeavours on my twitter

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