Monday, March 26, 2012

Pre- Learn to Run

Tomorrow I start my first ever running clinic. I`m registered in Group 2. (Can run 10km with frequent walking breaks)

However, when I was filling out the pre-running clinic survey I debated with myself about going into group 1 (can run 10km without stopping).  I think I could run 10 km without stopping… but I would run it very slowly. (Very very slowly…like turtle slow) Also I convinced myself that group 1 is the where all the best runners would be because it`s the top option for groups, and I'm not one of the best runners.

So I psyched myself out a little bit and opted for group 2. But now I`m not sure anymore. I want the running clinic to be a challenge and I want to improve my fitness, but I don`t want it to be so hard that I hate it. I`m a little conflicted about my decision. Anyways…

I guess we will just have to see how it goes tomorrow. The Running clinic runs Tuesdays and Thursday at 530pm at the YMCA. I would love to see you there!

Wish me luck on my running adventures.

PS. One of my life goals is to run a ½ marathon before I`m 25. I have a 1 month and a year to accomplish this. I better start lacing up my running shoes.

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