Thursday, April 4, 2013

The List of Simmi!


How is everyone on this very lovely, well mostly lovely, Thursday afternoon? So did you hear? It's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow! No!!!! Spring is supposed to be settled in by now. Sigh, my weather woes.

So I still have not gotten around to do a few things, like visit YAP again for instance. I still have to do the Gravity Demo too, and I still need to venture over to Y Citizens. Right now I am busy with visiting various schools around town and talking about the Healthy Kids Day Marathon. So if you have a child, or know of a child, in elementary school then get them involved! Run, walk or bike the 40km by June 2nd, and then walk or run (not bike!) the last 1.2km at Masich Stadium with the family!

Also, I have this research paper of sorts that I am doing. It gets overwhelming at times - with all the information that is there and then trying to filter through it. There is only one way in going about filtering this much information - reading every single thing. LOL! I have read at least 50 papers, and stilling going strong! I think I have finally decided on the final layout of this report. Well, for now I happy with all my categories, but you never know. A couple of days ago, I redid half of a section that was already completed. I am having trouble pleasing myself. LOL!

Oh and next week is NAYDO! I'm taking the laptop with me so hopefully I can keep  you all updated on a regular basis! I am excited for this new learning experience!

So many things to do...

Lastly, I need to Google Map schools for tomorrow. Or I'll be calling Karen and saying "Help me, I'm Lost"!!!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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