Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Boot Camp: Getting Stronger?

Yup, it’s true. It does get easier.

I know it’s hard to believe people when they tell you “the first class is the hardest, it gets easier.” And after all the wind sprints, squats, lunges, burpees, foot fire, and push ups, all I’m thinking is “lies, lies, so hard…lies.”
But it’s true. Your body gets stronger and starts to adapt. I think it’s getting easier?

... Dare I say this on the internet, where there is a chance Faydra will see this and make next week a boot camp nightmare?

Well, when I say getting easier. I don’t mean easy by any means. Boot camp is still one heck of a work out, and even people in great shape would find it challenging. The class can be tailored to your own fitness level, but it’s hard to slack off when you have 30 people around you working it. It’s motivational, and seeing everyone work so hard pushes me to work hard.

So come and try boot camp. And yes it will kick your butt. But it does get easier. Or wait… You will get stronger and healthier. And you will adapt, and you will have fun, and you may even get abs.

Plus, yesterday at boot camp we started our hill challenge. There is a hill that wraps around the back of Masich stadium and heads up to the Secondary school. This week we sprinted twice up that hill, but the goal is 8 times by the end of the summer. I can’t even fathom it. It’s going to be a challenge. But without goals we would never be able to measure our progress.  So I’m going to plan and commit to achieving this as a measure of my fitness. Need a fitness goal? Come join me

Eight hill sprints by the end of the summer! Better start sprinting…

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