Well this is what I have been waiting for. Ten weeks of hard
work have been leading up to this day: the 26th annual YMCA Road
Morning of the Road Race |
It was an amazing experience.
Here’s my story…
“The alarm sounds at 4:00 am. I begrudgingly shuffle out of
bed and get ready to help with the set-up for the race. I grab my pre-organized
running bag, equipped with my racing shirt (bib already attached), shoes,
water, and breakfast.
I step out my door and I am surprised at how light out it
is. Is it really 445 am?
Set-up is smooth. Tara (Road race event organizer) is so
organized that we end up finished and ready to go by 7am.
I drive back home to pick-up Graham for the race. We get
back to Masich Stadium just as the half marathoners set off on their race. I am
filled with excitement as I see the racers pass, one by one. It’s almost my
Before I know it I’m lined up at the start line. I have
found Lindsay and Allison in the crowds and I can feel their excitement. We
have all worked so hard in the running clinic together and it feels nice to
have them there as we begin our race.
Graham and I getting ready to go! |
The crowd starts to move and we go through the timing towers,
fully aware that our timing chips have been activated. I feel a little nervous.
The excitement from the crowds starts to fade as the groups separate
and individuals find their pace.
Lindsay, Graham and I run together for the first couple
kilometers, but Lindsay’s pace quickens and she’s off.
We are probably only 3 or 4 km’s into the race and I’m
tired, really tired. The adrenaline has worn off and I’m faced with the reality
that 4 hours of sleep isn’t conducive to racing. It’s hard but I keep going.
Convincing my legs that they aren’t tired is difficult, but I have to remember it’s
all in my mind. I've done this before and I can do it again.
Graham motivates me along the way, shouting encouraging
words that quicken my pace. I’m so grateful he’s running with me.
I try to thank all the volunteers along the way, because
without them this race wouldn’t be able to happen. They are all so friendly and
they reply with inspiring words.
I pass the sign that reads, "1km to go". AHHHHHH. My pace really starts to pick up and I pass runners who have been in my sight the entire race.
The last stretch is downhill and my legs just start to carry
themselves. I reach the fence and am greeted by Faydra and Mark. I’m almost
I am so tired. Unconsciously, I start to slow down. Graham
notices and screams for me to keep going!
I see the finish line and I am sprinting. I don’t know where
the energy comes from but I’m giving it my all.
It’s done. My first Road Race!!!
I am greeted by fellow clinic runners. It is so joyful!”
High-fives all around. Congratulations to everyone who
completed the Road Race.
To everyone in the running clinic--> you are awesome!
Extended thank you to my running partners Lindsay, Kerry,
Vanessa, and Brad. Thank you for running with me, pushing me, and all the
wonderful conversations.
My time: 57m 57s.
Okay, it wasn’t my goal time of 55m. But it was pretty
good. I’m happy and just thankful for the experience. Also I might just run the
route in the near future and try for 55 again. I’m so close… I’m going to do
what a great story - I felt like I was there! And I was (but not the running part!)