Monday, March 4, 2013


Hello Shello!

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was nice. I decided that this weekend, for the most part, I would do nothing but relax. You need to sometimes just relax and do nothing; it is my restorative yoga! LOL! I did do some reading, "Your Employment Standards Questions Answered - Federal and Provincial Guidance". It may sound boring, but it is actually a pretty good read; tells you about the things you are entitled to that you may have not known that you were entitled to. Yes, I am a proud nerd!

Anyways, today I had Bosu and I survived. Accomplishment! My only goal during these workouts is to survive. Everyone was telling me that though it may look easy, it is hard balancing on that ball. So I went in thinking that I will break a foot or two! Haha! I met Susan and she is such a sweetheart. She told me that they were going to do some new steps to go to the next level. My thought to myself was - "Why do I end up going to classes where they are 10 levels above my starting point?"

She told me to go at my own pace and keep doing the basic steps because balancing can take time. I took her advice, and because I took that advice I survived. I had moments where I thought I should try and jump like everyone. However, I told myself not to push my luck. Ahh the war I sometimes have with my brain.

I was pretty good at balancing myself on the ball which amazed me. I was actually terrified to step on it, and was ready to do the class without the ball. I am one of those people who are born clumsy. I have the talent of falling even when just standing still. So having this experience under my belt, I was apprehensive of getting on top of that ball.

We started off with the warm up, and that was just on the floor. It was something I could do! Bosu is basically like Step, just on a ball on which you need to balance. Eventually, Susan started basic stepping on the ball. I mustered up all my courage and stepped forward with my right step. Right foot on the ball, but my left foot would not budge from the floor to let me shift my weight to the right.

Every time I tried heaving myself up, my left foot would dig further into the floor. This lasted for about a minute. Finally I closed my eyes and went for it.

I could balance!!!!!!!!!

I could actually step onto the ball with two feet and balance. I could do basic on the ball! A proud moment to relish in. However, my happiness seemed to be short lived. Sigh, I knew basic was not the only thing we would be doing, but one can dream, can't she? From basic we went to step up and knee and kick to side. Now this did test my balancing skills for a while. I could do the knee up well enough, but the side kick had me falling to one side. However, eventually I got that too. 

It is fun when I am not lost for most of the class! Then we had a combined set of steps to do from step up and tap to jumping from one side to the other. If this is your first time, do not do it like you are shown - meaning don't try to jump from one side to the other. Here, I highly recommend you do a Simmi. 

When they were jumping across, I decided I would just do a basic step to change my positions. I actually rationalized here. Aren't you proud of me? LOL! I took my time to do the steps, and in taking my time I could do most of the workout. The only thing that needs working on is getting the balance right when jumping to switch sides; something which I am willing to take my time on. 

So go out there and do Bosu. It is a really nice workout; you sweat it out. Do it at your own pace and you'll do just fine. I would say try Step out first. It will help you get the hang of the steps and you won't need to feel lost in the terminology aspect! 

Oh and do come out to Creating Balance on April 2nd! I am going to unofficially advertise to everyone whenever I go to the Y. I am excited for it, and I shall share my excitement with everyone! As they say, sharing is caring.

Lastly, I may do Cycle Fit. Why the sudden change? Well, a few of my family has been reading this blog. Some of them have called me a big baby and have dared me. I know, I am an adult - but then again, so are they! So you know never know. Will my fear win or the immature me? Stay tuned!

Have a great start to the week!

P.S. Random Thought: An OMG Fact. Did you know, a person in their lifetime swallows 10 spiders when they are sleeping? I plan to duct tape my mouth!!!!!!

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