Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Neighbourhood Scholars

Hello hello!

Today I went to Neighbourhood Scholars, and I had a blast! These kind of experiences make me wish again to get into child care of some sort. I just love the environment!

So Neighbourhood Scholars is a preschool that runs Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 12:00pm. Transportation is provided to the children who live in the North Ospika neighbourhood, and even if you live outside this range, transportation can be arranged.

At first I got some resistance from the children as I was a new face. I decided to let them get used to me, and just asked Trisha various questions about the program. However, I have forgotten everything I asked. Sigh, you guys have put me on the spot, it's hard to recall! LOL! Okay, I lie. I do remember what I was told, but I really can't remember my questions very well.

Trisha has been working for the Y since the age of 15, and now has 2 children! A daily routine is tentatively set, but circumstances do change how the day progresses as well. As the children come in, and they have a snack that they have brought from home. A couple of tables are set up as well for the children to go play. Today there was a table for arts and crafts, and another table for flubber. I have heard of flubber, but never really wondered what it exactly was. Well today I found out. I have termed it Playdoh's cousin, once removed. I had fun trying to squeeze the "life" out of it.

Anyways, Trisha told me that they have circle time where she talks about a program that discusses the concept of touch. It allows the children to learn what appropriate touching is, and helps them differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate touching.

The program is getting full now, and it's great seeing such an awesome program racing ahead. If there are some seats available in the day, children from childcare head on over. Now these kids know who I am and were happy to find me there. I became the patient for them, while they were all my doctors; one of them progressed to become my hair stylist.

Eventually everyone accepted me and I was very happy. We went outside to play too. However, getting outside takes a lot of effort! We need to dress up in our snow suits, and nowadays snow suits are so high tech. I am telling you, in my day, it wasn't this complicated! LOL! I let Trisha handle the more complicated part, while I helped with the gloves; occasionally helping with zippers if asked.

I was terrified for the most part of our outside play time. Oh no they will crash into each other, oh no they will fall, oh nooooooo. However, none of this happened. Children are more than capable of playing safe, but as a cautious adult it can be a high blood pressure experience. Haha!

Trisha went on to explain how playtime worked.

Sometimes they go into the gym, and sometimes go outside. If they decide to go outside, it takes approximately 30 minutes to get everyone ready. First the children need to go to the washroom, and then get into their snow suits. Today it took 15 minutes because I was there to help, but 30 minutes is the normal. If outside, she tries to get the children to slide on their bums, but sometimes even after a lot of telling they may prefer to not listen. If this is the case, she lets them self-regulate - making sure that in this self-regulating the children stay safe. If they must slide down on knees or whatever, they need to make sure no one is in their way etc.

After coming in we had our circle time and we sang some songs - "My Body is Nobody's Body", "Pizza Song", "Name Song", and "Humpty Dumpty". Lunchtime came rather quickly. LOL! I helped Trisha get the children who were going back on the bus get ready, and came back here. I have been invited to come back any time, and I shall take them up on their offer very soon!

Oh I just went out to get something from the printer, and the children who do not nap in Group Care met me along the way. They said oh yaay Simmi is coming too, but I had to burst their bubble and say no. Then one of them asked, why do you have to work. Now Karen should go explain to them as to why Simmi has to work! LOL!

We are already mid-week....

P.S. Random Thought: It just clicked. The face, I know who it is. It should have clicked earlier, but I'm slow. Embarrassing moment? Perhaps. I haven't decided yet. However, I made the connection and I'm sure this connection is right. Want to know? Ask me in person! Haha! Oh wait, if you work here, you just might....Sigh, it might as well be an embarrassing moment!