So I have been writing this blog with the hopes of promoting
healthy living in our community.
You have heard all about the different activities, programs,
and exercises I have been doing at the Y, but not once have I talked about
healthy eating or even food.

Healthy eating is one of those strange paradigms to me. Most
people know what foods are healthy, and what/how much to eat. But they choose
to ignore it. Myself included. I never eat a whole bag chips (yeah it’s been
done) and question whether it was a healthy choice or not. Of course it’s
I mean, I loooove food and I love to cook, but most
importantly love to eat. But I want to be healthy, live healthfully, and be
active. And I am currently finding a way to amalgamate these two worlds. Or in
other words, live an all-around healthy life style. (Exercise, food,
relaxation, spirit, soul, body and all.)
So, to warn you, I’m going to be throwing in a few post
about eating, food, and how eating/food impacts our health, starting now.
I'm defiantly no expert, but luckily Graham has a degree in
Nutritional Sciences… making him a nutritionist by trade. So he can be there to
answer any of the hard healthy eating questions, about specific vitamins,
portions, or energy pathways. But I’ll be here to share my life experiences
about being a normal person trying to eat healthy in a world full of chocolate
and ice cream.
I’ll share any tips I may know about healthy eating and
perhaps the occasional healthy recipe too. It’ll be fun. I promise.
Also our Pinterest page has lots of yummy looking recipes
I’m dying to try. Check it out
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