But there
are days when I just don't want to move. And days where I try to make excuses
for myself. But every time I go to the gym or do a class, I never regret it. Seriously,
Never ever!
Truth be told, getting motivated to start and
keeping with it is the hardest part for me. So today I'm going to start a
weekly tradition of posting an (encouraging, inspirational, motivational)
thought, quote, or picture to help kick off the week. Because I need it, and
you may need it, heck when did too much motivation ever hurt anyone?
Today’s Inspiration
“Weight loss
is when your thoughts become words, your words become actions, and actions
become habits. And those habits? They lead to a healthier you.” From 125 blog
Lets get healthier! If you have any thoughts, pictures, or quotes that really help you out, I would love to hear them. They may even appear on the blog. Email me! hong.trieu@pgymca.com
Your choice of quotes is awesome! Build good habits like we build bad habits!