Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Intensity Level Chart

This is the intensity level chart from the lululemon tackle box. I really like it, so I decided to share. I love the description for intensity 9-10 because it perfectly describes how I feel during high intensity runs.

Intensity Level
How does this feel
When do I use this level?
Too easy to be considered training
Can carry on conversation comfortably
Easy runs/long runs/optional runs/warm up/cool down
Hard- conversations are difficult
Tempo runs/hill intervals/pick ups
You may question your very survival/sanity
A good hill interval and during intense pick up interval

1 comment:

  1. I had a 9-10 run yesterday! I was determined to keep up with my 6'3'' Fiancé (over a foot taller than me - and ALLLL LEGS)

    It felt great!.. afterwards that is...
