Hey hey! (That reminded me of Krusty the Clown. How about you?)
This afternoon I had Fusion, and my legs still feel rubbery. It has a lot of stretching involved, so if you didn't know "that" could stretch that way, health yoga will be the safer option! LOL! I arrived at the room to meet a former board member of the Y, Andrea. She has been taking Fusion for years now, so you know, she's a total pro at it. She was a sweetheart who helped me get my area set up.
Nancy, the instructor, came to the room and said they would be doing the "T". As you may have guessed, I was at a lost. Thankfully, I had Andrea who told me that we were going to be using two mats positioned as a "t"; not your body positioned as one as I thought! Haha! It was a full class, and in the All Purpose Room; we were a bit squeezed for space. Well that just means we had to be extra careful and not punch or kick someone in the face!
So as we started I felt like okay, I can do this and it's not that difficult. We did the breathing exercise that I had done in Health Yoga, and this time I got the hang of it. Isn't it fun making small connections? It just makes the world seem not so big! And it makes yours truly feel smart! LOL! During my health sciences courses, the professors would always emphasize the connections, and I'd have such a trying time to connect this to that. However, as years went by (I'm not THAT old), connections got easier and I started making connections with the smallest things in life too. It became a little game I play with myself now. Sigh, I digress.....
Where was I? Yes, Fusion. Again, my happy moment was short lived. From the balancing to the hovering, it just began to feel like nothing can be this difficult. And seriously, how do you not put weight on your shoulders or wrist? It just feels so impossible! LOL! The concentration to just do the simplest of moves is hard! For example, we breathe to live right? Well, when you are concentrating on trying to relax your shoulders or not put strain on your wrist or whatever, you may tend to just forget that exhaling moment.
Balancing is such a simple activity when you are not told to do it; get instructed to and just trip over yourself. Oh and then hoovering, my knees never felt so grateful to touch the ground than after this! However, at the end of the day, it was a nice stretch; especially the leg area-).
So did you think I forgot to mention the second part of my title, ice? Ahh think again! Remember how I was complaining this morning that I never get a parking space close enough to the entrance? Well, I got one this afternoon. A good thing? NO!
I was happy I got the space, but when I got out I wished I had parked further. Why? Because I was in one of those spaces that was all ice and ice that formed bumps/hills which just make you slip away to one side or the other; never letting you find your grip. Closer is not that awesome.....lesson learned!
Ice needs to be sued for making my life miserable, like pronto!
Till another icy day...bye bye....
P.S. Random thought moment: a disadvantage of technology, as in being able to do blogs, scheduling, and what not on laptops. It's that your writing skills, ie hand writing, becomes "messy". My prof would tell us this in class, and just writing notes beside some questions just reinforces his words! Seriously, I had such perfect hand writing skills - my writing was tiny and looked as if it was typed. Now, it's like my doctor wrote it. Knowing functional literacy may be a bonus point for me, but I mourn for my hand writing!
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